Why Žltý melón?

A sweeter type of p2p lending

Not all p2p lenders are the same and no one is quite like us!

  Earn higher interest rates

We are the only p2p platform operating in both the Czech Republic and Slovak, which is more profitable than in other countries with more competitive banking sectors.

Since we started in 2012, our investors have had average earnings of over 8% each year!

  Have complete control over your investments

Most p2p lenders take your money and invest it for you in a package of loans they choose, which to us sounds a lot like a bank!

When you invest on Žltý melón you are in complete control over who you lend to, how much you lend them, and what interest rate they pay.

More control doesn't mean more work for you! Our innovative auto-invest tool will make offers for you in loans that match your specific preferences.

  Use your money when you need it

On other p2p platforms you invest in all their loans for a set period and a fixed interest rate, with penalties for taking your money out early. We think this is a lot like the banks they set out to replace!

On Žltý melón you lend directly to people, who then repay you directly each month based on how much of their loan you funded and the interest rate you set. If you need to access the money you lent them early, you don't need our permission or to pay a penalty fee. Simply sell your part of their loan on our Secondary Market to another investor and access your money.

  We make sure p2p lending isn't risky

People choose to borrow on Žltý melón because they get a better deal than they could get with their bank. Not because they can’t get a loan elsewhere.

Our default rate is currently 6% and has decreased each year since 2013. In fact, 91% of our investors earn over 10% p.a. - after defaults and fees!

We don't make you pay into a 'provision fund' like other p2p lendings, because it lower your profits and is exactly what banks do!
You have the option to invest in our standard unsecured loans, which are only available for borrowers with strong credit-ratings, or invest in our Cash-Free loans where your investment is guaranteed. These innovative loans are linked to the sale of new homes in partnership with the real-estate developer, so even if the borrower defaults, you will never lose the money you invested.

We also provide you with a free debt-collection service through ZOPI, a not-for-profit organisation we founded to manage everything if a borrower does default on their loan.

  We are truly transparent and on your side

Unlike banks and other p2p lenders, we are actually completely transparent about our operations and the performance of loans on our platforms.

This means we publish extensive information about loan repayments, how we operate and the fees we charge to use our platform.

Most importantly though, unlike other platforms we only charge you a fee when a borrower repays their loan. Because if you don't make money, why should we!

You can learn more about our committment to transparency here and see the statistics we publish here

Why choose Žltý melón?

Better is better

P2P lending makes banking better. And Žltý melón makes P2P lending better. A better future for finance is here now!

Openly open

People lend to each other on Žltý melón in the open. No dodgy deals or casino banking. Don't just 'believe' it works, see it!

Fair for you

When people lend to each other directly they agree on terms that are fair for everyone. We are just here to help you do it!

Simply Simple

Loans should be simple! Our platform is innovative in its simplicity. We make p2p lending easy for real people, not peers.

Made Modern

The digital revolution is changing the world and makes our lives easier. We think your financial life should be easier too!

You're Covered

We are the first p2p lender of our kind. Our secure platform connects people across the EU, so we've got you covered!